“TAKEN” in italiano


altre traduzioni

busy occupied employed taken engaged





lay hold of get hold of grasp grip clasp clutch grab


He’d taken her over and over, and she’d clawed at him and torn his skin every time, as if she could climb into him and fuse their souls.

He’s taken me for a Petra disciple, I think.

He had no idea if she had made it out or if she’d collapsed within, so he’d taken the steps, too.

To everyone’s dismay, Zaine had taken over the responsibility, and they’d spent two days scraping burnt bits off the bottom of their pots and tossing inedible hunks of overcooked slop into the fire.

They were mutilated with giant wounds, like a huge battle axe had been taken to them—the results of Alsayer’s sonic lashes.

She’d taken her last breath and hadn’t even made it a good one, so focused on her terror she had forgotten that she had weapons, and she had magic—Weapons.

He couldn’t tell it apart from the one that Amelie had taken him to.

A more confident man would have taken her in his arms, and held her tight, and let her weep.

In the centre of the dragon yard a small golden gondola sat beside the one the Arbiter had taken for herself, but the soldiers weren’t for her.

“Is this seat taken?

Katriona had taken to patting it teasingly.