He looked ahead, trying to pick out more of the plainly dressed men.
When they passed, Rew saw Zaine gesture again, and she exited the market, a line of plainly dressed men following, walking a dozen paces apart from each other, but all at the same pace that Zaine set.
Two of the plainly dressed men came running out of hiding and rushed into the doorway.
Rew followed his gaze and saw their quarry was eyeing another of the plainly dressed men.
She was touched by her servant’s protectiveness, though irritated by their suspicion toward the soldier, for he was very plainly what he claimed to be.
I can see very plainly what you mean.
One of the plainly dressed thieves lay in the entryway.
But maybe Sam had been too optimistic, because the group had now plainly changed course and were heading this way.