“LUNGS” in italiano


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Fuck, it’s cold, my lungs tighten with it, but as it slides up over my skin my body adjusts, and then I’m swimming.

Something was pressing down on her chest and every breath left her lungs burning.

The pressure of the spells pushed against her calves, her hips, her body, squeezing her lungs.

Her breathing wouldn’t fall naturally with the timing of her feet and the pain built quickly in her lungs and calves.

“Not you, old boy, don’t you try to imitate me, or you’ll burst your lungs.

Nesta’s breath singed her lungs.

” Joy spreads the photos out and air whooshes from her lungs.

Aarin got to his feet, coughing water from his lungs.

He revived to find his heart still beating and water flowing in and out of his lungs.

Their lungs were working.

For a heartbeat, she wasn’t beneath the water, but against a woodpile in the human lands, Tomas’s hard mouth crushing into hers, his hands pawing at her—Nesta struggled to pull her head away, to free her mouth, but air filled her lungs.