“HAZE” in italiano


altre traduzioni

mist haze mistiness
fog mist haze
haze mist fog
mist haze
confusion mess fuss chaos clutter haze



blur daze confusion muddle befuddlement


Bright light dazzled them, haze like this was impenetrable to their eyes, though surely they should be able to see this other group.

”“I was on that purple haze and my mind was just racing and shit, and I was thinking of all kinds of stupid shit.

Beyond, out in the skies, it found a scattered haze of hunger and elation.

While he was trying harder and harder to get out of this haze and drowsiness, Dobbs lost patience, grabbed him brutally by the collar, and yelled: “Now stand on your feet, goddamn it, and have it over!

Through the haze of pain, the cage reminded him there was one thing he had to do right now, no matter how many needles he felt stabbing through his eyes.

Patterned lines of a darker polished stone ran from the corners and the sides of the square, converging on the middle where the Azahl Pillar rose, its white stone almost invisible in the haze until they neared it.

It was a strange vision, almost like he was seeing it through a haze.

‘You will become a haze to them.

In the distance a haze of blue smoke roofed over a valley.

When they’re dull and stupid it’s a haze of emotion and desire.

Dragon-riders called him mad, but he really did prefer to read about faraway places in the comfort of a warm fireside than see them for himself in the freezing rain through a haze of hypothermia.