“MANKIND” in italiano


altre traduzioni

humanity mankind humaneness
genere umano
mankind humankind
man mankind humanity



the human race man humanity human beings humans Homo sapiens humankind people men and women


So, mankind isn’t barking totally up the wrong tree.

They know that even hundreds of thousands of Dark Kind are not enough to unseat mankind as the rulers of this world, so why did they lead the armies?

In gaps and vents in the machine’s surfaces the tell-tale glow of glimmer shone, but the light was far purer, and the machine far more elegant, than those employed by mankind.

A true servant of mankind craves none of these things.

They had become members of the minority of mankind.

She had extraordinary abilities herself and she believed that she could use them for the good of all mankind.

It gave mankind an advantage when they were able to crouch behind their walls, but the danger was what the Dark Kind would do outside of those walls.

He was a repatriate who could survive voidouts, the worst calamity to plague mankind.

Some people say that the existence of these traits is proof that mankind is headed for extinction, but I don’t think so.

“I wanted to save the souls of mankind!

It hadn’t even been for something altruistic like saving mankind.