“FREELY” in italiano


altre traduzioni

freely free frankly


They now breathed more freely and began to think of more safety.

She’d half-expected lies, for Mai’Choiro to protest his own meek innocence and for the blame to be placed squarely on Baros Tsen T’Varr, but instead he admitted freely everything that the enchantress claimed.

Like the Morfaan, they too had four arms, but theirs were all of equal size, and freely displayed.

Azriel panted, wing bleeding freely from where he’d ripped away the ash arrow.

The men were as finely garbed, but more freely and in looser fabrics, with some openly displaying their smaller, secondary pairs of arms.

Her legs were freely decorated with white welts and fine red scratches.

” In the cage wagon talking of towns, places where people went freely about their lives, seemed ridiculous.

”“Then speak freely!

She had been partaking freely of the open ale barrel.

Mai’Choiro Kwen was confined to Baros Tsen T’Varr’s old rooms but they were letting his men visit freely.

The new band brought pack garau with more comprehensive supplies, notably fodder for the beasts that they freely shared out.