“WORRIED” in italiano


altre traduzioni

worried preoccupied anxious troubled uneasy solicitous
restless uneasy worried nervous disquiet



anxious perturbed troubled bothered concerned upset distressed distraught disquieted uneasy fretful agitated nervous edgy on edge tense overwrought worked up keyed up jumpy stressed strung out apprehensive fearful afraid frightened scared uptight a bundle of nerves on tenterhooks jittery twitchy in a stew in a sweat het up rattled antsy squirrelly trepidatious


fret be concerned be anxious agonize overthink brood panic lose sleep get worked up get stressed get in a state stew torment oneself


They had run out of oxytocin, and even though the staff had rejoiced when they heard about the departure of Bridges II, they were still worried about that.

But Rose, sitting in her sleeping bag on the floor of the dark office, waiting for Petra’s return, worried she would never learn how to be that way.

“This won’t be an easy journey, lass, and I’m worried it will take even longer than I’ve stated if you cannot keep up.

” She was still worried about whatever it meant for him that he hadn’t called Rick.

He kept an ear open, extending his senses behind, worried the three remaining ayres would appear at his back.

He wasn’t making sense and that worried Mama.

Baby Brother had stayed in East New York all night long, and even though the kid was eighteen now, Priest still worried about him, especially out there messing around with them treacherous Puerto Ricans.

If there were dozens, he worried he wouldn’t be able to protect the others.

Sam had been worried about the rugged terrain and fickle mountain weather, but apart from that, it had been smooth sailing.

He wasn’t too much worried about the bloodhounds; his main concern was them redneck hillbillies who could smell a nigga a mile away.

You’re not worried that a baron did not tell his daughter how bloody their legacy is or prepare her for the violence that was certain to come into her life.