“FORCED” in italiano


altre traduzioni

forced constrained bound
forced constrained far-fetched



violent forcible


compel coerce make constrain oblige impel drive pressurize pressure press push press-gang bully dragoon bludgeon put the screws on lean on twist someone's arm


But Cassian forced himself to say calmly, “That’s all the information I have.

She forced them back and thought of what first came to mind and held it there: Diamond Eye up on the eyrie, staring at the Godspike and the maelstrom of the storm-dark.

We remained a while, to see some of what was lost regained, forced always to travel in the mists, before it was decided we should finally leave altogether and await the Earth’s return to grace.

They forced me to do it,” she claimed.

Some were families who narrowly escaped the incident in Middle Knot City and had been forced to live in the shelters, some were unaffiliated researchers who were surveying the landscape that had been transformed by the timefall, some were scavengers on the hunt for relics, and some were plain old junkers.

Friends, really good friends, kept together by business and forced upon each other without any contact with other people, more often than not part the bitterest of enemies.

He should have asked someone before coming here how much time remained before Vassa would be forced to return to the continent—to the sorcerer-lord at a remote lake who held her leash, and had allowed her to leave only temporarily, as part of a bargain Feyre’s father had struck.

Instead, he took a breath and forced himself to look up at the wall.

With a sigh he wandered back and forced his feet to turn the rest of him to the looming bulk of the dragon.

Rew closed his eyes and forced himself to breathe slowly.

The Elemental Men forced him back to the desert in the end but he would not go into the storm-dark.