“ABOARD” in italiano


altre traduzioni

a bordo
on board aboard on board ship
a fianco
abreast aboard
a bordo di



on board


If I had not been so forward with him, then perhaps he would not have left me behind like he did, and I would not have had to smuggle myself aboard the ship.

‘It seems unwise, killer, to keep a creature that devours arcane energies aboard a device that depends upon such energies to exist while inexplicably levitating above a storm that destroys everything it touches.

I and my friend Madelyne made a pact to cheat the Infernal Duke, to learn the way aboard the fallen city.

The musical, crystalline sound of metal settling played a discordant song aboard the bridge.

This factory is so crucial to the honour of our realms that it is, in a way, an army of the Kingdoms, as much as any on the field of battle or aboard ships fighting the Ocerzerkiyans on the ocean waves.

When they clambered aboard it was with a little less wariness than before.

All souls aboard were believed to have perished.

No navigator will take you, not if they know who you are, but I can slip you aboard a ship so no one will ever know.