“EXTENT” in italiano


altre traduzioni

extension extent expansion range expanse stretch
degree grade level extent rank pitch
amplitude width breadth extent spaciousness wideness
limit boundary bound extent borderline border
expanse stretch spread sweep extent sheet
length duration footage extent lengthiness



area size expanse length proportions dimensions


He lunged, thrusting his longsword out to the extent of his reach, diving at the bandit leader, stabbing into the man as he swung down with his broadsword.

A fug of dung smoke and garau scent thickened the air to the extent that Rel’s eyes were watering soon after they arrived, and he smelled worse things underneath it: blood and shit and offal.

The continent was roughly circular, and its shape was more or less known, but question marks were everywhere, mostly relating to the extent of the ice shelves piled up by successive great tides around the landmass, and the Sotherwinter interior was entirely blank.

Tell him how knowing the exact extent of the Empty Sands had really raised his spirits when he was stuck in the middle of them .

If Amelie was ever going to be able to demonstrate the true extent of her power as an Extinction Entity, Higgs needed to sever her bond with Sam.

Their eastern extent was unknown.

“I spoke to them while you were gone, and they’ve been sheltered to an extent that’s hard to believe.

This was the furthest extent of all but the greatest tides.

His skin inflated, encompassing the camp, the modalmen, the mountains, desert, the Earth, the Twin, the sun, and on, past the cold ice that warmed itself at the very last extent of the sun’s rays, out into the void between stars, until his soul brushed the edges of eternity, and galaxies rotated within his mind.

The moot ground was raised a little from the valley floor, being on the beginning of the climb to the citadel, and that allowed Rel to gather more of an impression of the camp’s extent.

That was about the extent of the magic Amren now possessed—ordinary, unremarkable High Fae magic.