“HURRIED” in italiano


altre traduzioni

hurried hasty precipitate
hasty hurried cursory flying
hasty precipitous precipitate headlong rash hurried



quick fast swift rapid speedy brisk hasty abrupt cursory perfunctory brief short fleeting flying passing superficial slapdash


be quick hurry up hurry it up hasten speed up speed it up press on push on run dash rush race fly scurry scramble scuttle sprint get a move on move it step on it get cracking get moving shake a leg hightail it tear zip zoom hotfoot it leg it get the lead out make haste hie


A few hurried their children along.

When she was certain she was truly alone, she opened the gondola and hurried into the night.

Cold, he hurried in, slammed against the cutting block as he rushed across the kitchen to switch on the light, turn up the heat.

She stuffed the box into her bag and hurried after the Arbiter, determined to stop her and demand to stay, but when she reached the dragon yard, she abruptly stopped.

Once out of sight of Ilona and Ardovani, she hurried.

She listened again, felt for any movement in the misty air, then closed the door behind her and hurried into the passages where the Scales lived, where the alchemist and the enchantress were now shut in their prisons.

After a few steps though she changed her mind, turned and hurried after Bellepheros.

”Frowning, Rew hurried to where the young ranger was looking down at the damp soil.

He hurried his pace, overcoming his trepidation with determination to catch up, to find his quarry.

He hurried back a dozen times to where the camp had been last night, to take up the direction afresh.

Slaves hurried back and forth, carrying supplies.