“CHIEF” in italiano


altre traduzioni

head chief boss leader end cape
commander captain commandant chief
master owner host boss lord chief
main principal primary major leading chief
first early prime former top chief
supreme highest ultimate chief paramount great



leader chieftain grand chief sachem sagamore head headman ruler overlord master commander authority figure seigneur liege lord liege potentate cacique


head leading principal premier highest foremost supreme arch


This had its merits, he supposed, chief being that it scared the living shit out of everyone who saw it.

”Four Ishmalani, including First Mariner Volozeranetz, Boatswain Drentz and Helmsman Tolpoleznaen waited in the hold along with Trassan’s clerk Godelwind; Toberan and Dellion, the sole marines in fighting condition; Ollens, Trassan’s chief engineer, and the Tyn cook, Charvolay.

The chief repeated his demand again.

CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVENTwo Instances of SkullduggeryA FEW DAYS after returning from the Three Sisters, Arkadian Vand sent for his chief of spies.

Yet when he saw how carefully the chief searched, how logically he worked along a certain line, how he watched the shadows of the sun and compared them with peaks of hills and rocks, he became convinced that the chief knew precisely what he was doing and that he was sure to find what he was after.

I am chief and judge, and I may say I am a true and honest friend of my tribe, which respects me and obeys my orders, which they know are for their own good.

“He is the captain all right, the chief of the outfit.

”One of the guards by the horses, who from his post could overlook and watch the trail leading to the camp, had come up and called the chief.

Don Manuel was inclined to misjudge the doings of the chief.

Glory he desired, it was true, but it was not his sole motivation, nor the chief of them.

The chief said that he knew a very rich gold and silver mine and that he would show it to him on the day they reached his home and the boy had his eyesight.