“ANKLES” in italiano


altre traduzioni

ankle dowel



mortise joint ankle joint


Her light-blue maxi skirt flaps around her ankles like a flag.

Just sense ’em,” Sam muttered as he adjusted the belt around the body’s ankles.

”Azriel folded his wings, shadows writhing around his ankles and neck.

This story is ridiculous – the story of the maid and the boy caught with his trousers round his ankles.

” Joy crossed her ankles and slid her hands behind her head.

His knees were killing him but he kept running as fast as he could around the top, robes flapping around his ankles until he reached Diamond Eye.

One of the ones who’d hang by his ankles.

Aarin was dimly aware of cold, slimy hands grasping his ankles before he drowned.

She crossed her legs at the ankles and arranged the fall of her cape like the train of a gown.

”Fetters of light wrapped themselves around the duke’s wrists, waist, neck and ankles.

She knew she presented an utterly pathetic picture, laid out along the branch precisely as Cassian had left her, legs wrapped around it, ankles crossed over each other, fingers digging into the dry, silvery wood.