What made him the leading composer of the period, and what led the Leipzig town council to seek him first as their new cantor before settling on Bach as their third choice, was the style galant grace of his music.
The writer is shrewd enough not to cite only chorale works but the six trio sonatas, ‘which are written in such galant style that they still sound very good, and never grow old’.
In the Concertos by W. F. Bach and J. L. Krebs one can clearly hear the advent of more galant works, juxtaposed with conventional Baroque figuration.
Balbastre's early keyboard pieces have descriptive titles in the manner of Couperin and Rameau, but he gradually turned to writing sonatas in the galant style.
The ballet, as a galant form of theater, represents a meeting ground between the high style of tragedy and the low style of the foire.