The 1552 book marked a Zwinglian shift; the mass became the communion, tables replaced altars, the surplice replaced Eucharistic vestments.
He eventually settled at Antwerp, became a Zwinglian and an active pamphleteer, and engaged in controversy with Sir T. More, writing An Answere unto Sir Thomas Mores Dialoge in 1531.
Some churches followed a Zwinglian tradition that excluded all song from the sanctuary.
It made little sense to be concerned about Christian unity, whether with Romanists or Zwinglians , or about the long-term consequences of the reordering of civil society when one is living in the last minutes of the last act of history.
Admittedly, much of Switzerland is more Zwinglian than Calvinist, but it would have enriched our understanding of the Reformed tradition had there been some attention to the outcomes there.