“WOUND” in italiano


altre traduzioni

wound injury hurt hack
hurt injure wound cut hurt oneself bite



injury lesion cut gash laceration tear slash graze scratch abrasion bruise contusion trauma


injure hurt harm maim mutilate disable incapacitate cripple lacerate cut graze gash stab slash twist and turn twist bend curve loop zigzag weave snake


They took his broken body into a deep cave, drove a spike into his head and drank the silver ichor of the moon that dripped from his wound and took his power into their blood.

Her tongue was still sharp enough to wound.

“I told you of Lanthys—the wound he gave me.

Her wound was as large and ugly as a dracon bite, and bled glowing blood that soaked into the torn up ground.

The shaman’s cry stalled, and Rew thrust at it with his longsword, not pausing to ensure a clean blow, just making sure to wound the thing, to make it and its followers really mad.

Like an old wound.

And Cassian didn’t need to be a courtier to know his next words would slice deep, but it would be a necessary wound.

They were dead before their weapons could touch him, their howling spirits dragged backward from them by the ghosts pouring out of Aarin’s wound.

That’s why Liang hadn’t seen any wound.

That to be impaled or sliced by that blade would be no ordinary wound.

A quick inspection in the dim light revealed that though her friend remained unconscious, the wound on Emerie’s head had stopped bleeding.