“WISHING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

want wish desire will fancy pant
wish bid augur
want will wish need intend be willing



want wish


desire want hope for covet dream of long for yearn for crave hunger for lust after aspire to be desirous of set one's heart on seek fancy hanker after have a yen for itch for


The tears of wishing were enough to keep them moist.

So full of life and motion that she always found herself wishing she had another hour or two of lessons just to hear it again and again and again.

She’d barely slept, had mostly lain there, staring at the rock, willing herself to ignore the sounds of the fire, wishing to disappear into nothing.

The flags of the Fedgleys rose high, though the baron was gone and, Rew guessed, would soon be wishing he was dead.

Frustrated, Rew turned and began stalking down the street, walking away from his cousin and wishing he and the other man had both kept their mouths shut.

Squashing the reedy grass underfoot, tramping down nettles, she kept going, wishing she’d worn long jogging trousers rather than shorts.

It never helped and he usually ended up wishing he hadn’t.

He put his thumbs close together in front of his belt, wishing by doing so to indicate that he did not mean to shoot as long as the other did not draw.

’ She’d been banging herself against the globe for four straight days, almost to the point of wishing she could spend her time measuring the rider-slave for her next set of armour instead.

He said: “Friends, amigos y ciudadanos, here are tres forasteros, three strangers, who have come from the valley wishing to sell their burros.

And yes, maybe now he was wishing he had considered it, and yes, standing proud at the prow of his sinking ship had seemed all well and good when it hadn’t actually happened and yes, now that that same ship was apparently on fire with the sea lapping at his feet it seemed .