“WHOSE” in italiano


altre traduzioni

il cui
di chi
la cui
di chi


The Elemental Men were supposed to serve the Elemental Masters who existed at the top of Mount Solence and whom no one else had ever seen, like priests who served a god whose every miracle was in fact the work of men.

Found a way to deliver a baby with wings to a mother whose body was not equipped for it.

The Blood Rite last spring had taken care of the worst of them, including the troublemaker Kallon, whose arrogance hadn’t been enough to compensate for his shoddy training when he’d been slain just miles from the slopes of Ramiel.

”Filden, whose actual depth of experience with magic would have shocked the magister, nodded.

That instructor whose name and face Sam had long forgotten hadn’t died.

Chiefly, Wicker Square was known as the location of an ancient structure, whose foundations had, until recently, been visible in the base of a basket weaver’s shop.

Don’t you think it best if you’re the one who decides whose blood they’re covered in?

’Liang was still trying to get her head round the idea that a creature whose existence she’d thought was a mere story had actually come up from the land of the dead and taken Baros Tsen.

Pardon me, senor doctor, if I say this, I feel sorry to tell you, but by these ugly words he meant you and especially the American whose head they had cut off with a machete.

“Who’ll sponge whose face?

’‘They ask why we moved the eggs to the glasship and where they’ve gone and by whose order.