“WAGON” in italiano


altre traduzioni

wagon cart chariot carriage car truck
wagon truck waggon
truck lorry camion wagon waggon
vagone merci
wagon waggon



big dipper wain dipper


The wagon crested the ridge, and began to descend to a plain free of rocks, dominated by black sand alone.

Four were pulling gold-glass sleds behind their linxia, each the right size for a dragon’s egg but dressed to look like a desert trader’s wagon.

A light breeze could not overcome the hard, animal stink of the cage, made worse by the reek of the giant beast hauling the wagon.

Brauctha had made a great show of placing the wagon at the centre of the thirteen, so that Rel had a clear view of the arena floor and the fates of the men he had failed to save.

The drays pulling the wagon started out so slowly that she felt she were drifting by on a cloud.

” Tuvacs pointed out the one spot at the back of the wagon where no one was sitting.

As they sped back toward freedom, the wind once again at their back, he threw the last bunch of keys into the cage of bone situated upon the wagon bed.

From him, he had found the dray wagon drivers.

The Renian winked at her as the wagon drove by the child, leaving him to his fate.

The men around him in the wagon didn’t wave back.

Moving together in perfect synchronicity, Rel and his mount leaned far to the side, running around the last wagon and turning back toward the gate.