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”“The machine I uncovered.
Though the knoll’s rock was free of snow, in its vicinity there were few places uncovered by the gathering thaw.
A little more digging around the mill had uncovered the Renian’s interest in very young women, and that his eye had fallen upon this Lavinia.
Within a month we had uncovered the map that revealed the location of the city in the Sotherwinter which Trassan Kressind, on a ship of my design, is currently exploring.
Sam had once heard that some separatist extremists had uncovered some long-buried records held by a former government think tank, and had a crack at reproducing BB technology themselves.
“I realise that now he is uncovered and dry he is a comely man, but please remember yourself.
Whole armies of huge red ants were running about, and a multitude of other insects were crawling and creeping in all directions, leaving practically not a square inch of soil uncovered in their search for food or safety or the pleasures of love.
“The legs remain buried, but my men will soon have the whole body uncovered.
Not because she hadn’t seen him, but because she hadn’t uncovered a single thing.
Evidence uncovered.
In reclaiming our past we’ve uncovered a number of vital clues, and using them I’ve come up with a theory.