“UNCERTAIN” in italiano


altre traduzioni

uncertain unsure doubtful unclear tentative dubious
doubtful dubious questionable unsure uncertain ambiguous
insecure uncertain unsafe unsteady unsure unreliable
poco sicuro



unknown debatable open to question in doubt undetermined unsure in the balance up in the air unpredictable unforeseeable incalculable risky chancy dicey iffy


tchotchke tshatshke tsatske


The darkness of the night and the uncertain flicker of the camp-fire and of the burning torch in his hand had confused him.

” She leaned back in the seat, uncertain how she felt.

In the opinion of this correspondent, one misstep could precipitate a dissolution of the current state of amity that exists between our countries, and a return to the uncertain years of hostility that so bedevilled the Kingdoms in centuries past.

Eastwatch needs me in uncertain times.

The hatchlings, clustered around their food, tearing at the meat like vultures, stopped and backed away, huddled together, uncertain like cubs before a furious mother.

It was a clear day, and Rel guessed he could probably see for two hundred miles or more, but the human eye lacked the strength to make use of the mountain’s height, and long before the horizon the black desert blended into one, unbroken declivity of uncertain angle, dark grey in the bright light of the sun.

He was uncertain what to do.

He watched her, uncertain what to do next, when he noticed that her tears still fell.

In the mist its silhouette dissolved at the edges into uncertain outline, but Rel saw enough.

He set out, uncertain if he could make it across such rough terrain.

The inside of the cars, particularly the second-class cars, made in the uncertain and not too bright light a colorful picture.