“TREASURE” in italiano


altre traduzioni

treasure honey darling dear hoard pet
custodire gelosamente
fare tesoro di
apprezzare molto



riches valuables jewels gems gold silver precious metals money cash wealth fortune treasure trove


cherish hold dear prize value greatly adore dote on love be devoted to worship venerate


The glittering treasure you are hunting for day and night lies buried on the other side of that hill yonder.

TravenTHE TREASURE OF THE SIERRA MADREThe treasure which you think not worth taking trouble and pains to find, this one alone is the real treasure you are longing for all your life.

From these hordes of outlaws dona Maria was never secure, and she had to use all kinds of tricks and camouflage to keep them from finding the treasure.

“I’ll treasure it, Sam.

The value of the treasure may be figured from the fact that about one hundred and thirty strong mules were needed to carry the metal alone.

And yet there is treasure here worth risking everything for, buried in the shattered floatstone spat out by the Sisters.

The milk shakes, plain vanilla, were worth more than every treasure in the world.

What should he do with this treasure?

The police would be here in no time if that guy told them we’ve got stolen treasure with us.

The word that has come down to us from my ancestors is this: If your family or your tribe has been rendered a great service which neither the feathercrowned god of our race nor the blood-crowned god of the whites had been able or willing to render, then you shall give the treasure of the mine to that man who served you so well.

She made a final balance of her treasure and found that it would be enough for whatever life she wanted to lead in Spain.