“TRANSPORT” in italiano


altre traduzioni

transport carriage freight conveyance haulage cartage
mezzo di trasporto
transport conveyance
ecstasy rapture transport
di trasporto
carry transport move convey transfer ship
ravish transport



ecstasy raptus exaltation rapture


convey carry take transfer move shift send deliver bear ship ferry haul cart


Under such conditions it took the brains of a great leader to bring the transport to its destination.

The transport reached Mexico City without a single bar of the precious metal lost.

His job was to transport her to the assigned spot.

Back then he could never have predicted what cargo he would have to transport through here someday.

All heavy hardware was needed for the mine, and to transport any superfluous amount of hardware on these two-thousand-mile trips when so many other things were needed more urgently would have been sheer madness.

Besides, a very important point had been that the fathers could not transport the proceeds of the mine to the capital without the help of the government, which furnished the soldiers to protect the transport.

Dylan slides his phone from his front pocket and settles into the back seat of the hired Land Rover with the blacked-out windows his cousin Chase booked to pick him up from Heathrow and transport him to the heart of London.

He saw a large number of wagons under the black flags, each bearing cages like those used to transport war-dracons through civilised lands.

As the larger species of dracon used for food were too large and ponderous to ride, and the lesser dracons were too dangerous, all transport before the advent of glimmer engines in the western Hundred was by dog drawn conveyance.

The pious fathers knew too well that if they hired soldiers on their own account, these soldiers would never reach the capital; but the transport would fall into the hands of somebody else, very likely the viceroy himself.

“A transport from the mine to Mexico City, the capital, took, according to the season, between two and three months for the journey.