“TORTELLINI” in italiano



The crab in the tortellini floating in it seemed loaded with intrinsic flavour even before you picked up the lemony-ginger seasoning.

As a finale, while they tasted the tortellini , Jay commented that they were missing a pinch of something - and threw a fistful of flour in Gordon's face, which Gordon returned, followed by a hug.

The Big Brother (eldest, as well as being most generously covered) had the tortellini with piquillo pepper, chorizo and served in a Parmesan cream sauce.

Bream is not packed with flavour, so it works well with plenty of others. On this occasion, some clever citrus orzo and a prawn tortellini combined with a bisque emulsion to deliver plenty of flavour.

Cook the tortellini in a large pan of salted, boiling water until al dente.