“TOILET” in italiano


altre traduzioni

toilet restroom lavatory
bathroom bath toilet bathe washroom
toilet cabinet loo lavatory office bathroom



gutter sewer


I hunch over the toilet.

She took toilet and cleaned herself with water and cloths.

A toilet flushed in the room above.

Indeed, the countess could barely bring herself to toilet when inspiration had a hold of her, allowing herself to go only when her bladder felt it would burst.

Rose watched them stride to and from the blue signs of the toilet block, or order takeaway coffee from the dark wood and chrome counter, and wondered if each one was neck deep, drowning in some terrible form of business.

”A toilet flushed, and a faucet ran.

He tripped over his shoes and pushed past Malik to the bathroom, then stood over the toilet and retched.

Vand knocked on the ceiling for the coach to stop that the Guider might toilet.

In the bathroom behind the gas station, both the door and the toilet were broken and there was no water to be found.

“Here is your new underwear, a toilet kit, socks, rags for your monthlies and a belt of rope for the same.

It did little to clear the taste of the drink from his teeth and tongue, but he dared not fetch his toilet kit from his saddlebags to brush his teeth while the greeting of the sun was underway.