“TINY” in italiano


altre traduzioni

small little tiny young short petty
tiny lowercase small minute minuscule diminutive
minute small tiny detailed fine petty
little small tiny weeny mean



minute minuscule microscopic nanoscale infinitesimal very small little mini diminutive miniature scaled down baby toy dwarf pygmy peewee Lilliputian teeny teeny-weeny teensy teensy-weensy itty-bitty itsy-bitsy eensy eensy-weensy little-bitty bite-sized pint-sized wee


Gold-glass shards hung from her arms and across her chest and tiny sparks of lightning flashed between them.

Swearing again, he sheltered it with his hand and coaxed the tiny flame into a small blaze, and lit the torch from it.

Other dribbles of water joined the stream as they walked, tiny trickles that poured over the edge high above.

I discovered that the lines are not of uniform depth, but made up of thousands of tiny indentations.

She was like a tiny mummy, or a hideous doll.

Red Lin Feyn rolled her eyes and let out a tiny sigh, then lifted the headdress and put it on, the white feathers rising high above them both.

A tiny cloud of black dust swirled around his neck.

This baby, the prototype BB who would not only help rebuild America but might even save humanity one day, reacted to her voice and let out a tiny cry.

Waiting for her she found a tiny windowless compartment that was so low she had to stoop.

They copied every message in tiny words onto a silver ring to put around a raven’s leg.

As Liang set the tiny glass cup beside her, Lin Feyn passed her the globe.