“THUMPING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

battere forte
beat hit knock strike tap fight
hammer pound throb thump



whopping humongous walloping banging


clump clunk thump thud


hit strike beat batter pound knock rap smack thwack pummel punch thrash cuff box someone's ears bash bop clout clobber sock swipe slug lash whack wallop beat the (living) daylights out of belt tan lay into let someone have it whup smite


Diamond Eye circled it, higher and higher until the eyrie was below them, and then the glasships that carried it, and then the others that floated higher still and on until they were alone in the sky and Bellepheros was gasping for air and his head was thumping for lack of it.

She leaned her head against his chest, closing her eyes, savoring the sound of his heart thumping.

Lanthys’s head and corpse fell in different directions, thumping upon the stones.

On the other side of the door: the sound of a body thumping to the floor, and then another curse.

He felt it through his feet a moment before he heard it and then a thumping wall of air hammered into him, staggering him, almost knocking him down.

Draathis cannoneers disintegrated into showers of iron dust, their stolen weapons thumping smoking to the turf.

The noise they made together was a shushing, thumping similar to the mechanical pounding of a glimmer engine.

Then he looked for footprints in the sand because if Crazy Mad had come this way then he must have left some, and it wasn’t as if there was any wind or rain to hide them again, and Flame but Crazy was going to get a thumping for dragging him all this way .

” A wave of her small fingers and a book floated toward Nesta before thumping onto the cushions beside her.