“THUDDED” in italiano


altre traduzioni

colpire con un tonfo





”A glass of water thudded down next to the soup.

Brauctha’s fists thudded into the sand after him.

Tucking his shoulder, he thudded to the carpeted floor of the throne room.

The pack thudded to the earth, and she twisted to nudge it toward him with a foot.

That familiar roaring filled her ears, and Nesta’s steps thudded too loudly on the dusty floorboards as she approached the fireplace.

His longsword fell from limp fingers and thudded onto the wood floor.

Aramaz’s corpse thudded onto the ground.

Arrows thudded into the trees, the ground, the bridge posts, and Nesta didn’t hesitate as she raced over the slats, not daring to look at the plunge below to a barren riverbed, only at Emerie as she cleared the bridge—A scream of pain blasted behind them, and Nesta whirled at the end of the bridge to find Gwyn still on the other side with an arrow through her thigh.

Steps thudded beyond the shattered door, and she braced for Cassian to come roaring in—But it was Feyre.

Something thudded on the step beside her, and she blinked to find a glass of water.

”Curled up in bed, a book propped on the thick down comforter, Nesta was just getting to the sizzling first kiss in her latest novel when a knock thudded on her door.