“THINKING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

thought thinking mind opinion worry meaning



reasoning logic idea(s) theory line of thought philosophy beliefs opinion(s) view(s) thoughts position judgment assessment evaluation


intelligent sensible reasonable rational logical analytical thoughtful reflective meditative contemplative pensive shrewd philosophical sagacious


What the hells am I thinking?

Maybe it was wishful thinking.

” Obviously, he wasn’t thinking any straighter than Joy.

It’s the equivalent of somebody reading press cuttings about me and thinking they’d know what happened when I was part of the Six.

Rew smiled, thinking of the last time he’d felt as Zaine must feel now.

Montesere and Rask are likely thinking the same thing.

He’d been thinking a lot about their last session, and how it had ended.

But that was nothing more than wishful thinking.

”They snored so loudly that people passing by and not seeing them under the tree got frightened and hurried away thinking a lion had overeaten and was taking a nap.

Years ago, I fashioned physical restraints using my theories, thinking it was a practical way to safely capture lawbreakers who can cast high magic.

She was longing to speak to decent persons of her own race in an uncorrupted language; she wanted to be caressed by someone she loved; she wanted to dress like the women she was thinking of who still lived in cities.