“THEN” in italiano


altre traduzioni

then later after finally next besides
then therefore now at that time in those days in that case
after later next then afterwards after that
in tal caso
a quel tempo



at that time in those days at that point (in time) at that moment on that occasion


They stood slightly apart, their glittering heads turning now and then.

When the man who comes out on top sits upon the throne and rules the realm, when the losers are… quietly retired, then even brothers will turn against each other.

A shout rang out from the rubble, then another and a crack of lightning and he was off his wall in a flash, crouched behind the gold-glass shield he’d stolen off a dead Taiytakei halfway up the Eye of the Sea Goddess, peering out in case everything was about to kick off again.

Killers came to them now and then with news.

And then Cassian kissed her deeply as he slid home.

But—’‘Well then.

They rose together, then knelt again, all facing Shkarauthir’s fire in silence.

He then flung a string of curses to the heavens and went into the bar.

They’d build their ranks then have the strength to fight the natural beasts in these woods.

’ He took the bladder from the dead cook out of his bag and poked a tiny hole into it with a scalpel, then squeezed the goo inside into a small clay bowl.

Won’t the old man get mad if he comes to the port and steps into the bank with a bright face and then finds himself without any funds!