“TEARS” in italiano


altre traduzioni

tears crying weeping cry lament



crying weeping rip hole split slash slit snag


rip up rip in two pull to pieces shred


Bottles of rare wine, exotic foods, gambling debts …Feyre had stared at her plate until silent tears dripped into her scrambled eggs.

The sweat on his brow and the tears from the antigen-antibody reaction ran together and merged with the droplets of timefall.

”The tears came again, and she scrubbed at her face.

Sam’s tears would not stop falling.

” Mama looked back toward Sam and wiped the tears off her cheek.

He blinked hard to fend off the tears and watched the driver speed off in a cloud of dust.

His own composure was threatened upon seeing the hologram’s tears and hearing the other man’s trembling voice.

He could feel his gastric juices in his throat as his mouth filled with an acidic taste and tears spilled out of his eyes.

Heartman sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes.

And they were so full of worry, of that unrelenting goodness, that she had to fight like hell to keep the tears from falling.

Feyre gave him a painting, which he opened in private, and had to fight back tears before he hid it behind the chair.