“TANKARD” in italiano


altre traduzioni

mug jug tankard jorum


Scowling, Rew made his way to the kiosk and ordered a tankard of ale from the man working behind the counter.

Several other customers, taking advantage of her break from sitting with him, ordered drinks and food as well, and it was a quarter hour before she returned with a fresh tankard and his vegetable soup.

Gesturing with his tankard to encompass the room, Rew explained, “You were right, this tower is far larger and far more secure than these miners ever would have needed.

”Rew lifted his tankard of ale and clinked it against the boy’s.

”Rew sat down his tankard and stretched.

The ranger nodded, and the miner picked up the tankard and went to dunk it into the open beer barrel.

“I brought some water,” Rew told her, holding up a tankard he’d filled in the rain barrel.

He pushed his tankard at her over the table with his giant fingertips and stuck out his bottom lip.

”Setting his tankard down on a table beside his chair, Rew scrubbed at his face, feeling two weeks of road dirt and the blood of the narjags coating him like a second skin.

” shouted the god, hoisting his massive tankard high in comic salute.

”He frowned at her, put his tankard to his lips, and drank deeply of the crisp ale.