“SURROUNDING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

surrounding ambient



neighboring nearby near neighborhood local adjoining adjacent bordering abutting encircling encompassing


encircle enclose encompass ring fence in hem in confine bound circumscribe cut off besiege trap


She couldn’t even get a jump on searching the surrounding area’s network of roads and highways to put her mind at ease before she drove to wherever they were going.

”Shkarauthir held up his four arms to encompass the flat area and its surrounding mounds.

Searching the surrounding woods for herbs to make a poultice at night would take longer than they had.

Unless the power surrounding the Rite didn’t stifle Made items.

He peered out of the trailer through the dense cloud surrounding them.

Felt every flash of horror and pain and fear she’d endured during those months surrounding the war.

A hundred thousand humans could have sat within the carved crater surrounding it.

Raising the god’s weapon, he ran into the warriors surrounding him, and set to work.

Nobody even came or departed from the walled city surrounding it.

As Sam let Die-Hardman carry on talking, he left the area surrounding the waystation and began his descent down the hill.

The Court of Nightmares was decorated as it usually was, adorned for the celebration that lasted three whole days surrounding the longest night of the year.