“SURELY” in italiano


altre traduzioni

certainly surely of course sure absolutely rather



certainly for sure definitely undoubtedly without doubt doubtless indubitably unquestionably without fail inevitably


Except that surely couldn’t be right, could it?

If you followed my path, then surely you saw the bodies.

Even Merrill blinked as Nesta said, “With a fancy title like that, surely such a petty grudge should be beneath you.

The ominous pen that still seemed bound to Bridget was surely broken…But it wasn’t harmed at all.

His growing responsibilities within Bridges due to their expanding mandate and his abilities as a repatriate surely put him under greater pressure, and she wondered if his enthusiasm for their mission was sincere.

‘In that case, surely we can sort it out.

“A beacon like that would surely be formed of high magic, and with no affinity for it, I cannot imagine the narjags detecting it, though there are many strange things in this world.

“It may be crooked to say what I said, but it’s surely more crooked to have such thoughts and not admit them.

“If I can smell a few different males in here, then surely your companions can, too.

Another word the rider-slave claimed to know but surely didn’t understand.

You are a traitor, and the slayer of our siblings as surely as if you had cast the spells yourself.