“SUNSHINE” in italiano


altre traduzioni

luce del sole
sunlight sunshine



sunlight sun sun's rays daylight (natural) light


Warm peach sunshine sliced through the slats, dividing up her room into narrow lanes of light and dark.

She never stopped appreciating the sunshine.

To Beth Miller: you are an actual ray of sunshine and the most organized person I’ve ever met.

CHAPTER THIRTY-TWOA Fortress RememberedTHE TAIL END of Gannever came and went with barely a day of sunshine.

She put the storm-dark globe away, smoothed the creases in her robe and followed into the evening sunshine.

I needed some sunshine.

At noon next day while crossing a hill, he caught sight of Durango in the distance, bated in golden sunshine and nestled beside one of the wonders of the world_-El Cerro del Mercado— a mountain which consists of more than six hundred million tons of pure iron.

A golden sheet of sunshine he’d wrapped around his fists more than once as he came inside her.

And now, there are flowers and open curtains through which streams golden sunshine.

Indeed, in the library’s deep gloom, Mor shone like a ray of sunshine.

”“Everything would have been fine as sunshine but for that devil of a storekeeper, whom we have actually made a millionaire.