“SUDDENLY” in italiano


altre traduzioni

suddenly abruptly overnight plump slap
ad un tratto



immediately instantaneously instantly straightaway all of a sudden all at once promptly abruptly swiftly unexpectedly without warning without notice out of the blue straight off in a flash like a shot


She got in eleven more steps before her knees buckled so suddenly she nearly slid.

” A deafening noise filled the room then suddenly vanished.

Feyre began sobbing then, too, taking her son from Mor, hardly noticing Madja suddenly leaning between her legs, inspecting what was there—the healing.

Tyn Lydar stopped humming and swinging her legs suddenly and menacingly, like the cessation of birdsong in a wood that tells a dracon is near.

’Her life is suddenly clear to me.

It appeared suddenly and without warning.

”Watching the boy for another moment, Rew took a few steps forward, suddenly wondering if he would need to wade in and drag the oaf to the far bank, but finally, Raif got his feet under him and stood, hands held wide for balance.

When the discussion had been on for half an hour, the bandits suddenly laughed and rose.

And then suddenly there wasn’t an abyss beside him and he was at the bottom.

They kissed hungrily, and his hands roamed wherever they could reach until he suddenly stilled.

Then suddenly its tail lashed out as an Elemental Man appeared behind a running slave in gold-glass armour.