“SQUATTING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

employment occupation occupancy job employ squatting



knee bend squat


crouch (down) hunker (down) sit on one's haunches sit on one's heels


He glanced around at his partners, squatting on the ground and smoking cigarettes rolled in common paper, seemingly not worrying about anything.

Jon was squatting comfortably near Anne, who sat cross-legged on the forest floor.

He was squatting down on one knee with his back to him.

Sweat beaded on her brow, as if her very body rebelled against the memory, but she made herself recall how it had sat in the King of Hybern’s war-tent, squatting atop the reeds and rugs, a primordial beast that had been half-asleep when she’d entered.

Rew crossed his arms on his knees, still squatting by the tracks.

Then they looked around and, on seeing no other sign, returned to the other men, now squatting on the ground near the opening.

”Rew glanced at Anne where she was squatting beside the young thief.

They were only reminded of him when they filled their pipes and lighted them and saw the stranger returning to the fire and squatting by it.

The castle seemed to have risen out of the earth and settled there, squatting like some enormous beast over the land.

Casually they looked at the strangers squatting in the shade of the trees.