“SPINNING” in italiano


altre traduzioni

spinning filature
revolving turning spinning rolling



revolve rotate turn go round whirl gyrate circle


Rew advanced on the lone narjag that survived, the one that had attacked Jon, but Zaine released an arrow, striking it in the shoulder and spinning it.

Nesta caught it, spinning in the snow on one knee as she absorbed the impact of its weight.

The sharp steel of the thrown dagger caught the bandit leader in the shoulder, spinning him, while the other blade thunked into the seated man’s throat.

Once it had all clicked in Sam’s head, the man’s Odradek immediately burst to life, spinning wildly.

” Fragile walked away, playfully spinning her umbrella as she went.

The sensor was spinning rapidly and soon formed into a cross shape.

Rew growled and attacked again, taking the one on his left this time, spinning his longsword and then dragging it across the monster’s knuckles, tugging against the bone and leaving a deep, bloody laceration.

Rew reached out with his open hand, grasped the wooden hilt of his longsword, and pulled it free of the dirt, spinning as he did and meeting a rushing narjag with his steel.

Startled cries exploded in the camp, but Rew was already spinning and slashing his longsword into the face of a third man.

He cuffed Tuvacs about the face in idle cruelty, leaving his head spinning.

“I don’t understand,” said Jon, spinning in the street, looking from the keep to the city walls and then back again.