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Her knees almost buckle onto the concrete sidewalk outside the airport terminal because that future feels so real.
Pedestrians cased the sidewalk in a mission destination frenzy.
Him and two of his boys had rushed up a short flight of concrete stairs and were pushing desperately against the iron delivery flap-door that would allow them to emerge outside and onto the sidewalk.
For the next hour she listened, until he packed up and gave the homeless man taking a nap on the sidewalk nearby the crumpled bills and coins passersby had tossed in his guitar case.
Finesse stepped over bodies and crunched shards of glass under his feet, then stood on the sidewalk looking toward Brownsville.
He set up on the sidewalk in the very spot Rick had instructed him to stand and took out his guitar, leaving the case open at his feet.
He swung around and jogged back to the car, dropping his gear on the sidewalk.