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lenzuola |
bed linen
The brass-poster bed was rumpled, the sheets half-spilled on the creaky, uneven wood floor, and the cracked window banged against the wall on its loose hinges.
But fuck—when had he last had a satisfying roll in the sheets?
The wind picked up and the rain fell in thick sheets.
She lay there until her body had loosened enough to move, and fell into the warmed sheets without bothering to put on a nightgown.
He wasn’t in them sheets while you did your thing this morning, now was he?
Hard bread and biscuits, fruit, cheese, silken sheets and blankets and everything he’d need.
She couldn’t face a small white space, or a medical bed with the sheets pulled tight, if it wasn’t about to happen.
A small tide was due that night, and already sheets of water were pouring themselves in slicks of silver over the mud.
”Rew nodded and turned toward the sheets.
The gun he had been hiding under the sheets thumped to the floor.
Not as he pumped himself dry, soaking his sheets.