“RHETOR” in italiano



A native of Myrina in Asia Minor, where his father was a rhetor , he was educated at Alexandria and Constantinople, where he later practised law, a profession about whose conditions he complains in his Histories.

The strategies for recruitment and legwork I've described here may not be part of the traditional canons of rhetoric, but they do seem to be useful additions for teaching the post-modern rhetor .

Roth the poet and the rhetor excel in artistic performance when they transcend the ordinary modes of their respective discourses to create extraordinary effects.

The central question for an Aristotelian critic or historian is how artfully the rhetor marshaled those means to a particular end, and this is the question that seems central to the inquiries of Browne and Oison.

Standing on the threshold of modernity, Vico advocates a sublime art of rhetoric practiced by the model citizen who is ‘both a rhetor and scientist, a flexible thinker who uses language and logic in both problem solving and persuasion’.