“PROPPED” in italiano


altre traduzioni

shore shore up prop support back up
support rest lay lean stand rely



lean rest stand balance steady


When she put on her goggles, she could see Zafir propped against its hind claws, head drooping as though she was dozing, although how anyone could doze in the constant infernal wind, Liang had no idea.

”He found her in bed, a book propped up against her knees.

Raif and Cinda were both there, propped up on pillows, their clothing drenched, their hair matted from sweat.

’ Sivan propped him up as he dripped all over the sled and the barrels around him.

” Rhys rested his head atop a propped fist on his desk.

She looked to be staring at Ilona’s ironlock propped against the cairn— Bannord had insisted Ilona have one of their remaining guns—though whatever she actually saw with her button black eyes, it was far away from their physical location.

Raif and Cinda stared back at the soldier, lying slumped on their backs on the floor of the throne room, propped against a pile of pillows.

Sam propped himself up and wiped away his tears.

He tore his mouth away as he propped her legs on the bed, folding them at the knees.

Crazy hardly seemed to notice the dead men lying in the sand outside, nor the live one in the gondola, sitting propped against the wall, gasping with a spear stuck through him.

”Curled up in bed, a book propped on the thick down comforter, Nesta was just getting to the sizzling first kiss in her latest novel when a knock thudded on her door.