“PROPOSED” in italiano


altre traduzioni

propose offer suggest move raise propound
present submit introduce show produce put
launch throw cast start send flip
mean intend hear propose plan accept
reserve book keep propose
fare un brindisi



intend mean plan have in mind/view resolve aim purpose think of aspire want


There was no excuse for such a thing as Dobbs had proposed.

Mark had proposed the day after graduation, and she moved to New York shortly after to be with him.

Joy would oversee a team of chemists for not one, but all six of Vintage Chic’s lipstick brands with plans to roll out two more lines Product Development has proposed.

When, in the beginning, they had found that there was no water for washing the dirt, and that the water was so far down, it was proposed that the diggings should be carried by the burros down to the brook to be washed there.

But she doesn’t want to miss the chance to “take it from there,” as Dylan had proposed all those years ago.

One proposed that they use this site for headquarters from which to raid the villages in the valley.

“He proposed marriage the next morning.

He had proposed to her not expecting her to say yes; when she had, he had expected a satisfactory life as a martyred husband, quietly adoring his wife at a remove.

She’d never admit it to Dylan, but Joy had wanted to tell Mark after he proposed that the ring was over the top.

The first city they proposed the UCA concept to was a city called Bonneville, which was right next to Ground Zero.

I admit, I saw an opportunity when he proposed the match and you approved.