“POUNDERS” in italiano




pestle muller


As a result of this he sent for six 24 pounders, two 18 pounders , five mortars, 153 wagons of ammunition for the artillery, boats, pontoons, and 400 draught horses to come to the city under the command of a Captain Pulteney.

A sense of Africa or South America may be conveyed but metropolitan pavement pounders needn't worry - these are not bush-whacking safari thumpers but dainty offerings, bearing bows and metal accessories.

In fact, the vessel carried a mixed battery of up to fifty guns, including a main battery of long 24 - pounders and short carronades, which could fire a heavier 32-pound ball for a much shorter distance.

Since then, formerly unassailable reputations have been elevated and devastated, unstoppable swillers have clashed with immovable pounders , and many great men and women have been carried away by the tide.

He took with him two 6 - pounders of the Royal Artillery.