He regretfully smiles and politely shrugs off their persistent advances.
He knocked on the iron door through which he couldn’t pass, and when Bellepheros opened it, he walked politely inside instead of vanishing and appearing somewhere else.
Dylan could hear Mark through the phone before he politely exited the car to give her some privacy.
That merely acknowledging her sister politely had caused it.
He would answer her questions with a mix of lies and half-truths and politely demand that he and his kwen be allowed to go.
Shonda had decided to leave and he hadn’t asked politely.
”Chase politely waits as she gets into her car before he settles in his.
”The Indians stood up, politely took leave of the two remaining partners, and with Howard in their midst went to their little village.
”“I thought that perhaps I was among civilized men who would not mind letting me have a drink of fresh water,” he said very politely.