“POD” in italiano


altre traduzioni

pod hull husk shuck
shell hull housing pod husk shuck
peel skin husk rind pod paring



shell husk hull case shuck pericarp capsule


”Igor’s words were more to convince himself than anyone else that it would be alright, but he tried to hide his misgivings by taking the end of the cord attached to his abdomen and connecting it to the jack on the pod.

You could try taking Lou out of the pod just to see what happens, but that would be in direct contravention of an executive order.

The pod containing the BB was covered in blood, too.

Cliff was covered in blood and saying something to the pod.

Next to him, Deadman held Lou’s pod in his arms, with a strange look on his face.

”Deadman’s arm slipped through the incubator partition and then through the window of the pod.

It belonged to a man equipped with different weaponry—an Odradek on his shoulder and a BB pod on his chest.

The baby moved inside the pod under Sam’s arm.

Sam squinted and looked back and forth between Viktor’s Ludens and the Ludens hanging off the pod.

A fetus that may have been extracted from its mother’s womb, but was kept artificially alive in a pod and hadn’t even been born yet.

He stroked the pod and let out a deep sigh of appreciation.