“PILLAR” in italiano


altre traduzioni

column pillar



column post support upright baluster pier pile pilaster stanchion prop newel obelisk monolith


The first hit the pillar and exploded into a ball of flame that washed over the glass in front of her.

The white stone of the pillar was hard, flawless and perfect-polished smooth like the white stone of the eyrie and of the Godspike.

No, the pillar.

Sivan was already walking, and as Tsen hurried to catch him up, he saw that the hole was more of a shaft, the pillar in the centre of it and that a set of steps spiralled down.

Then rose to her feet, a pillar of steel and flame, her lips curling back from her teeth.

Clucking her tongue, she went to the ornate pillar that held the workings and power motivation, ducking past speeding metalwork that could have caused serious injury.

” Nesta gestured to a pillar beyond Clotho.

Every day, she checked the sign-up sheet on the pillar beyond Clotho’s desk.

’Sivan pointed down the lee of the dune to a pillar of white stone, round and about as tall and as wide as a man.

The pillars looked a lot like some sort of gateway, while the carvings covering them looked a lot like the sigils he’d seen on the pillar that the Watcher had shown him, back when the Watcher had taken him to Vespinarr and put him on the riverboat to find his way back to Crazy Mad.

Something that made Nesta whirl on her heel and stride for the pillar.