“PERCEIVED” in italiano


altre traduzioni

perceive feel sense receive detect collect
understand see realize get make out perceive
notice realize see perceive become aware realise



discern recognize become aware of see distinguish realize grasp understand take in make out find identify hit on comprehend apprehend appreciate sense divine figure out twig become cognizant of


Cursing that his ploy failed, that Alsayer hadn’t reacted by instinctively flinging magic at the perceived threat, Rew ran at the monsters again.

The question was whether or not Sam perceived his mother’s love.

He didn’t come close enough to anyone for it to be perceived as a threat, but he wanted the thieves comfortable with his movement.

Each individual event is not washed away by time to disappear, they remain intact as a perceived phase.

The world around him that he perceived visually felt similarly layered, with a single layer slightly out of alignment.

He was trapped in this extreme thinking that perceived extinction as being of primary importance.

They sat stiff, with eyes wide open, looking at the killers and hearing the shots, as if they perceived something which simply could not be true, which must be a nightmare out of which they might awake any moment and find everything all right.

Managing how they were perceived was all that kept them alive, but Tyn Rulsy was so concerned that she would be left alone without others of her kind that she risked being observed and ran like a serving girl late to attend her mistress.

Everything she heard since the Lemio mill was perceived as though through a heavy woollen blanket.

He had simply perceived it as a dream before because he had been unable to accept the very existence of the Beach.