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All the gruesome tortures were committed for the love of Christ and the Holy Virgin, because there was never a torture without a monk holding out a crucifix before the victim, and the greater part of the gold was to go partly to the Spanish king and partly to the Holy Father in Rome.
The mestizos wore their huge palm hats pulled rather low on their foreheads, for the wind would blow their hats off when riding on the train, as they prefer to stand on the platform or sit on the steps, partly because they feel uneasy inside the train, partly owing to their fear of train-wrecks.
Mainly on account of business, and partly because of Baby Brother and Sari.
Dunets was the unofficial cage leader, partly by his utter ruthlessness in taking food and comfort from others, partly because he sometimes shared what he stole.
”The stranger looked at Howard with eyes partly closed.
The roofs were partly corrugated sheet-iron, partly roofing paper, all leaky.
He kept to the ritual paths only partly to avoid the hounds; he wished no disrespect to the modalmen if he could avoid it.
The eyelids blinked two or three times rapidly and then became fixed, but only partly closed.
Across the way and recessed, two bronze doors stood partly open.
Thorny bushes and magueys and nopales and organos growing along the road and partly fencing in the fields were thickly covered with white dust.
The other side was partly walled in by rocks, and the only opening could easily be covered by the gun of one man in the trench, whose duty would be to watch this opening.