“PACA” in italiano



We saw squirrel monkeys, capuchins, spider monkeys, peccaries, kinkajous, coatis, howler monkeys, tayras - a large mustelid that Martyn thought was a tree otter - pacas , night monkeys, giant anteaters and a tapir.

Eight other species, including pacas , pacaranas, spiny rats and porcupines, also steal Brazil nuts stored by agoutis.

What she finds stuffed into its pens and cages, or tethered nearby, is a fair representation of Nicaragua's jungle wildlife: scores of parrots and parakeets, pacas , an ocelot cub, deer yearlings, a spider monkey.

It is an unfortunate and potentially confusing accident of taxonomy that agoutis do not belong to the family Agoutidae, which instead contains their relatives, the pacas .

Agoutis are smaller than their relatives the piglike pacas and larger than squirrels, which they resemble.